About Us

Welcome to our corner of the internet! We're Keith and Kate, a couple of middle school sweethearts going on three decades, with a passion for family, faith, and self-sufficiency. Keith, a hardworking man often away for work, and Kate, a partially disabled homeschool mama, are raising our four brilliant sons—our precious arrows.

Standing firmly on faith, we strive to embody the principles of love, kindness, and community. Our journey is one of embracing the simple joys of life while navigating its challenges. From our big garden to learning the arts of canning and baking sourdough, we're committed to living back-to-basics with modern comforts.

As parents, we're deeply committed to shaping a brighter future for our sons and future generations. We believe in leading by example, instilling in our children values of compassion, stewardship, and resilience. With each endeavor, we aim to show our sons the importance of making a positive impact on the world around them. They are eager to be part of the team. From the little ones bringing deliveries inside to the older boys helping with the heavy lifting, they are helping to bring the dream to life. Our eldest is also helping with data entry and coding.

From tending to our garden and caring for animals to advocating for sustainability and environmental responsibility, we are dedicated to teaching our sons the value of leaving the world better than they found it. Through our actions, we hope to inspire a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable future.

With a heart for stewardship and sustainability, we're pursuing our dream of owning a company that offers quality products with an environmentally friendly, organic, and natural focus. Our ultimate goal? Bringing Keith home to be with his family while providing you with products that enhance your life and nourish your soul.

Join us on this adventure as we raise our arrows and carve our path toward a brighter, more sustainable future—one rooted in love, faith, and the pursuit of our dreams. Thank you for being a part of our story!

Love God, Love people - Luke 10:27
Care for the Planet - Genesis 2:15
Raising Arrows - Psalm 127